「Singing Daxophone」 内橋和久 Kazuhisa Uchihashi
構想10年 録音100日 再生回数 ∞ !!!!!
奇才ハンス・ライヒェルの発明楽器、ダクソフォン多重録音のみによるアルバム・シリーズ第二弾!! 「Talking Daxophone」に続いてその名も「Singing Daxophone」は、誰もが口ずさむ世界の名曲の数々をダクソフォンが口ずさむ、それはあたかもアカペラのよう。珠玉のキラーチューンの数々を、ダクソフォンが軽やかに唄いあげます。ジャケットは気鋭、香山哲画伯による描き下ろし! 抱腹絶倒、軽妙洒脱、空前絶後、魑魅魍魎! アナログ盤も発売予定。
Concepting for 10 years, Recoding for 100 days, physical experiencing will be Uncountable! The second release in the series of albums, “Singing Daxophone” is coming after “Talking Daxophone”, using only multiple recordings of daxophone; the great invention by Hans Reichel. The daxophone sings its way through a selection of killer tunes! 100% only Daxophone! The cutest cover was drawn by Tetsu Kayama. Subscribe and Analog version will be coming up soon but later.
James Brown / I Got You (I Feel Good)
Burt Bacharach / (They Long to Be) Close to You
Lou Reed / Walk on the Wild Side
Freddie Mercury / Killer Queen
David Bowie / Space Oddity
John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant / Black Dog
Lennon-McCartney / Eleanor Rigby
Percy Mayfield / Hit The Road Jack
Brigitte Fontaine, Areski Belkacem / Comme à la radio (Like a radio)
Nameless Italian Partisan who fought back for the peace / Bella ciao
Simon & Garfunkel, and unknown Folklore Singers / Scarborough Fair / Canticle
Vincent Ford / No Woman, No Cry
George David Weiss / What a Wonderful World
All Singing by Daxophone
Daxophone Performed by Kazuhisa Uchihashi
Recorded and Mixed by Kazuhisa Uchihashi, 2019-2021
Mastered by satoshi okamoto [sub-tle.] + Uwe Haas at Tonstudio Haas in Berlin on 12th Oct. 2021
Illustration by Tetsu Kayama
Art Direction by Kaé U.
Produced by me and her.
uchihashi uses DOMON cable
Special Thanks : Hans Reichel, Yuriko Kayama, Richard Scott, Kanon, and Silvia Fässler
SPECIAL SAMPLE : Space Oddity by David Bowie

「YUXO」ハンス・ライヒェル Hans Reichel
We are pleased to announce the re-release of the last album of Hans Reichl, the inventor of the daxophone, who passed away in 2011. The album was initially released in 2002 on the German FMP label. Twenty years on, the original ideas and humour are still alive and impressive. Although it is billed as a daxophone operetta, the album is free, open-minded, joyful and maintains plenty of guitar playing as well. You can imagine how much fun it must have been to record this album. To present the album to the world in a new light, we, his close friends of Hans, have produced a booklet of over 30 pages. The album’s cover features the image which Hans selected himself for his planning next album, making it a fitting way to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his absence.
Kazuhisa Uchihashi
1.The Duke Of Syracuse
2.A Life Without Lychees
3.You Can Dance With Me
4.Bubu And His Friends
5.Oway Oway
6.Out Of Namakemono
7.Death Procession
8.Street Song
9.My Haunted House
10.Le Bal (New Version)
11.Sometimes At Night
12.The South Coast Route
13.Eros Vs. Educatio